Wednesday, November 21, 2007

work load levelling

the past few days, am doing an interesting experiment... am trying to see how it feels to work 8 hours a day!!! my workload is quite heavy these days and it would certainly be useful if i melt the backlog efficiently... (i have always thought that the reason software folks are so overworked, is because of their fundamental assumption that every one will work 8 hrs a day every day!)

but it is quite tiring.. just work, continuously, without taking any fun breaks, is very sapping..even though there is a feeling of having achieved what one sets out to do.. i need to try doing it smilingly and see whether it saps.. or maybe i have never worked hard continuously in my life :) and this sudden change finds my mind muscles very inadequate!!!

was wondering why it is reason could be that in the quest of perfection in workload leveling, i hvn't done anything at all in that area... and the stress is coming because of thinking of the backlog,certainly! let me do it imperfectly and tune it along....

1 comment:

Navneet Bhushan said...

My view is perfection is an illusion anyway. However, you need to enjoy work. A suggestion, whenever you feel tired in between take a break - and just post something on your blog!